Scholarship FAQ’s

When can I start applying for scholarships?

Applicants can begin their applications for the spring round of scholarships and submit after March 1st.
Applicants can begin their applications for the fall round of scholarships and submit after September 1st.

Where do I apply?

Applications are accepted online only and must be submitted through the Scholarship Application Portal – a direct link will be posted when the portal is available. A direct link to the portal can be found at

Where do I find specific information about each available scholarship?

A complete list of available scholarships, as well as the eligibility criteria for each can be found in the application portal.

Do I need to create an account in the portal to see the list of scholarships and their criteria?

Yes, all new portal users (as well as returning visitors, that are using the portal for the first time in 2023) will need to create an account in the portal to see the list of scholarships and their criteria.

When is the deadline to submit my application?

All applications for the spring round of scholarships must be submitted no later than Friday, April 18th at 11:59pm.
All applications for the fall round of scholarships must be submitted no later than October 31st at 11:59pm.

What if I don’t have my references or required documents by the deadline?

All supporting documents must be submitted on/before the deadline for applications to be marked complete. Incomplete applications will be removed from consideration.

Can I apply for more than one scholarship?

Applicants are encouraged to apply for any and all scholarships provided they meet the outlined criteria.

Some scholarships ask for a transcript, do I need to provide an official copy?

We do not require an official transcript in this case – simply providing a copy of the transcript is sufficient, just be sure to provide a copy that is clear and legible (ie; a scanned copy, a photo etc)

If I am selected as a recipient, how will I be notified?

All applicants, whether successful or unsuccessful, will be notified of the decision regarding their application via a portal system generated email. Should you not receive an email, be sure to check your junk/spam folder.

Does it matter which email account I use to apply?

Applicants can use any email address they choose to apply for scholarships but are encouraged to use a personal account they check regularly to ensure they don’t miss communication. Missing emails could result in scholarship funds being redistributed to other recipients. Do not use a school issued email account.

How long will it take for me to be notified after the decisions are made?

The length of time between the deadline, decisions and the applicants being notified will vary, and will depend on the number of applications being reviewed. We will do our very best to communicate the expected wait time – please be patient.

If I am selected as a recipient, how will I receive the funds?

Funds will be sent to the post-secondary institutions to be deposited directly into the student’s account using the student ID# provided by the student in their application.

When will the funds be sent to the post secondary institution?

Funds will be sent in the fall for scholarships awarded in the spring round, and early in the new year, for scholarships awarded in the fall, upon communication between CFPEI and the post-secondary student accounts departments. Due to various factors beyond our control, we cannot guarantee funds will be received or deposited into the student’s accounts in time for tuition deadlines etc – however we will do our very best to ensure we get things processed as quickly as possible.

When I’m notified, will you need anything else from me as a recipient before the funds are sent?

Yes, when you are notified you will be requested to confirm your post-secondary institution and student ID# to ensure the funds are sent to the right place, as well as provide your mailing address and Social Insurance Number for T4A purposes. Please make sure you submit the confirmation as soon as possible, delayed responses will result in delayed receipt of scholarship funds.

What do I do if I have other questions?

Any questions can be asked by contacting CFPEI Finance, Marketing & Granting Manager, Emma Bourgeois by email at or by calling 902-892-3440.
In the event that your call is missed, please leave your name, phone number and a brief summary of your question, and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Good luck to all applicants!